Getting Started
Start building awesome documentation in under 5 minutes.
Setup your development
Learn how to update your docs locally and deploy them to the public.
Starmint is a Starlight plugin that you can install using your favorite package manager:
npm i starmint -
Configure the plugin in your Starlight configuration in the astro.config.mjs file.
import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'import starlightStartmint from 'starlight-theme-starmint'export default defineConfig({integrations: [starlight({plugins: [starlightStartmint()],title: 'My Docs',}),],}) -
Start the development server to preview the theme in action.
cd my-project && npm run dev
Once the server starts, you can view your documentation site at http://localhost:4321.